Sometimes it is not profitable to get prepared for everything. Certain maintenance related issues do happen frequently but it may be impossible to predict when and where. Training every single worker to handle a variety of technical troubles at tank station is not possible. On the other hand, show stoppers should be solved fast to keep the business going.
Sessio enables remote guidance on standard smart devices. Specialists from anywhere can jump in virtually to audio visually understand, guide and solve on site troubles. Locally present untrained crew can be precisely instructed to manage and solve issues. Or at least the status of an issue can be better understood already before arriving to the site and that can be valuable too.
In our case, reseting jammed gasoline pump was carried out by a local non-trained station operator instructed by an expert.
Crucial factor at test was the push install feature available in Sessio. It is enough to just know the phone number or email of the receiving party. After they get the message with special link, the rest goes simply by following the application store standard installation process. After a successful installation app will automatically call back to the initiator of the process. This is how Sessio can jump in at all moments - even when the counterpart dosen't even have the app!